Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All my bath towels feel like sandpaper how do u keep towels soft like the can in hotels?

try this add 1/2 cup baking soda to your wash to soften clothesAll my bath towels feel like sandpaper how do u keep towels soft like the can in hotels?
Good hotels use good towels, expensive. At home the best thing to do is use fabric softener, liquid is best for towels. Try Downy. hanging towels outside also will keep them stiff, if you can, use the dryer for towels, If your allergic to detergents and softeners try using 1/4c. vinegar in your final rinse cycle.All my bath towels feel like sandpaper how do u keep towels soft like the can in hotels?
It's a tricky one, because you should not use Fabric Conditioner on towels as it coats the fibres making them less absorbant. I've found that drip dried towels get stiffer like yours do, so I advise drying in a tumble drier and store in airing cupboard, if you have one.

That way they should be more soft and fluffy.
fabric softener

dryer sheets or the liquid kind u put in the washer

i've really never been to a hotel with soft sheets, they're always hard and scratchy. and not very absorbent.

and i don't go to cheap yucky places, i've been to really nice ones. i went to one for our anniversary and it was the best in the city ($150/night minimum) and their towels were hard like that.
Replace them. Seriously, that's all there is to it. You probably keep your bath towels much longer than hotels do. There's no shame in that; we all do it. Hotels want you to feel pampered and luxurious so they replace their linens far more frequently than you would at home.
It could be they aren't very good towels, in which case no amount of fabric softener will help.

Try a vinegar rinse and adding fabric softener to them.

If this doesn't work, go out and buy a few fabulous towels. Well worth the money!
you need to use loads of fabric softner and tumble dry them on a medium temp. if you hang them up to dry or tumble dry them on a cold or very hot setting they will go like cardboard.

Cheaper towels also dont feel as soft as more expensive towels
Use Snuggle or sth alike (any other fabric softener)

Don't use liquid fabric softener in the wash. Instead add vinegar to the rinse cycle. Then use fabric sheets in the dryer. I've never had a problem with my towels since I started using this technique
add a fabric softener when you are washing them, like snuggle. you can also add softener sheets in the dryer when drying them too.
Put a cup of amonia in the final rinse gets the soap out...and dry them on a windy day or tumble dry them for 15 minutes while still slightly damp.
You should probably buy soft towels.
actually it think the towels in the hotels are like sandpaper..
I use fabric conditioner, dry them outside then fluff them up in the tumble dryer.
always dry towels in the tumble dryer with a bounce sheet they will be lovely and fluffy then
using fabric softner helps keep towles and sheets soft.
uh, fabric softener.
fabric softener and a windy day
Dry them in the tumble drier rather than on the line
dry them on a line and use softner...just a drop, not as much as they tell you to use
use more softner in the wash, dry in tumble dryer on high heat, works for us

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